Electronic Rat Traps Considered Safer and Superior to Poison

If you’ve ever had to deal with a rat infestation, you already know how hard it can be to get rid of the pesky rodents. Pest control North Brisbane know that you want to eradicate all the pests from your property without causing harm to your family or pets.

The best-known solutions — poison and snap traps — are not only dangerous to use but also very time consuming.

The good news is that many people have turned to electronic traps in order to have a better chance of eliminating rats, mice, and squirrels from their homes.

These electric traps are easy-to-use, chemical-free and re-usable devices that consumers can install in any part of their home or property.

Here are some reasons why they are considered much safer than the traditional lethal methods:

There are no chemicals in these traps. Because there are no toxins involved, you never have to worry about poisoning your family or pets by accidentally ingesting them. On top of that, these electronic rat traps don’t require any additional cleaning as the dead rat carcass will be contained inside the trap. This means no more touching any dead animals and cleaning up piles of blood and guts.

They actually work! Feedback from thousands of customers has shown that electric traps have a higher success rate than traditional ones because they confuse the rodents.

The simplest and most effective way to catch a rat is by using an electronic rat trap. These traps are more humane than traditional snap traps, and more effective than poison bait. They are a great option for homeowners who want to eliminate rat infestations from their homes and yards.

Electronic rat traps work by delivering a high voltage shock to kill rats instantly. They are the most effective and safest way to eliminate rats in your home or garage. The best electronic rat traps use smart technology to sense when the rodent enters the trap, so only the target animal is killed. Humane rodent control has never been easier!

Traditional snap traps are messy, unsafe, and require you to dispose of dead rodents. Poisons leave behind a nasty residue that can harm children or pets if ingested. Some poisons even require you to remove dead rodents from inaccessible areas of your home or yard, which can be nearly impossible due to their size or location.

The electronic rat trap is the most humane and effective way to kill rats. It is easy to use, safe around children and pets, and more cost-effective than traditional traps or poison.

It is essential in removing pest problems as soon as they are identified by using the right method, especially when it comes to rats. They are not only a nuisance but also a significant threat to public health. Rats can carry diseases and bite humans and pets.

Rat poison, or rodenticide, can damage the body in a number of ways. Because rats and mice are omnivores, they’ll eat just about anything. But if they aren’t dying after eating the poison, they’ll continue to eat it. Rat poison is ingested when mice or rats eat the bait directly, but they can also ingest it second-hand when they eat animals that have eaten the bait.

The first signs of rat poisoning are bleeding from the mouth and nose. Internal bleeding is also common and can cause swelling in the abdomen, pain and difficulty walking. Prolonged exposure to rat poison can cause organ damage and death.

A toxic buildup of Vitamin D in the body can lead to kidney damage. Vitamin D is found naturally in our bodies but at low levels when we eat foods like fish or fortified milk products. Rodenticides are laced with Vitamin D compounds which are meant to affect rodents’ calcium metabolism through their kidneys. This is toxic for humans as well; chronic kidney failure can lead to cardiovascular disease, anemia and muscle weakness. The kidney function will slow down as time goes on until it stops functioning altogether.

Due to the increase in demand for electronic rat traps, one of the leading companies that manufacture pest control products for rodents has now incorporated this product into their line.

The main difference between old-fashioned rat poison and new electronic rat traps is that the former can be harmful to young children, pets and other animals while with the latter, you are sure that the rats will be killed on contact with no chance of harming anyone or anything else.

Dr. Gary Casper, a medical doctor specializing in internal medicine in California expresses his approval of this new pest control method. He says that he supports this type of product because it kills rats instantly so they won’t suffer from pain and agony unlike when they are poisoned.

Doctor Casper adds that he has read reports about the survival rate of rats after being poisoned by these chemicals which is only 1 percent from those who ate large doses and 2 percent from those who ate small amounts making it 98 percent lethal or fatal to these pesky rodents. Pestdoctors.com.au believe that increasing electronic rat traps can eradicate rodent problems.