By keeping the exterior painting to a bare necessary minimum, you can spend more time and more creativity inside. You can let your imagination run riot with all those interior painting ideas you always wanted to implement but never got around to. There’s no time like the present, and really, when are you going to paint your house again? If you stick to the drab and uninspired you can be assured that it won’t be at least for a few more generations. Car paint protection is required for new cars prone to debris and scratches nowadays.
Don’t get alarmed though, when I’m talking about out of this world interior painting ideas I’m not saying that you should go with something that might resemble a Picasso painting. I’m talking about something more along the lines of a paint job that will resemble you and reflect back who you are. So your interior painting ideas need not be anything bolder than a splash of vibrant color on one wall surrounded by soothing colors on the other walls.
This works very well in any house and the vibrant color that you pick out can be either soothing or primal depending on what you want to show of yourself. You could of course always go to extremes and paint all the walls a bright vibrant shade or even mix and match different shades to different walls. If you’re doing this then you might want to think about the effect you’ll have and whether you can actually live with the color scheme.
Wild and inspired interior painting ideas are well and good, but you should always take into account whether you’re going to be able stand the sight of your newly panted walls or not. If you have to repaint everything it kind of defeats the purpose. This doesn’t mean that you should put a hold on your creativity or stifle your interior painting ideas, all it means is that for some of the bolder ideas you have, that perhaps you should do a small test-run somewhere else.
Don’t think that painting your house should be a chore, and if you really want you can always think you’re Michelangelo or Da Vinci or any one of those great artists, and even paint a stunning mural on your walls. The only requirement here is that you turn your great interior painting ideas into reality and that you have you fun while you’re doing it.